City of Kelowna – Ethel Street ATC Phase 3

The project included; constructing concrete barrier curb, gutter, sidewalk, infill, cycle track, clearing and grubbing; excavation including asphalt, sidewalk, and curb; sub-grade preparation including removal and replacement of unsuitable sub-grade; import granular backfill, and drain rock; install granular sub-base of road, parking, cycle track, unit pavers, and shouldering; asphalt paving of lower course, surface course, parking stalls, lanes, driveways, cycle track, supply and install specified vegetation; install irrigation water system, fences, traffic sign base, bollard, tactile braille warning strip, water main of various dimensions, water service connection of various dimensions, water main tie-ins, sanitary services, storm sewer replacements and all associate services and appurtenances; supply and install new signs and posts, shouldering, site restoration, and clean-up.

Project Details
Ethel Street ATC Phase 3 & Saucier Avenue Utility Improvements
December 2017
Dave Pritchard, P. Eng. at True Consulting
(250) 861-8783